Ooh ! Ah ! Cantona ( Radio edit)
Ooh ! Ah ! Cantona ( Cantona Kicks)
Ooh ! Ah ! Cantona ( Cantona Chants)
Ooh ! Ah ! Cantona ( Ooh ! Ooh ! Ooh ! )
Ooh ! Ah ! Cantona ( Join In The Chant)
"1966 was a great year for English football.
Eric was born."
NIKE advertising slogan, 1994
"1995 was a great year for English football.
Eric was banned."
T-Shirt Slogan,on sale at Man C.,Leeds,Liverpool etc, 1995
"When the sagulls follow the trwler it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea."
Eric Cantona addressing media,after escaping jail sentence,1995